Hero Image - Minecraft Dungeons Redesign

Minecraft Dungeons

UX/UI Redesign

About the Project

Redesign the first-time user experience for Minecraft Dungeons.

My role

UX/UI Designer


7 weeks

  • Short project timelines

  • Limited understanding of existing product


  • A player's first-time user experience can significantly influence whether they will complete a game.

  • User testing can yield valuable positive feedback, but it also illuminates areas of potential improvement that might otherwise remain unnoticed.

  • Factoring in accessibility when designing the game's UI elements ensures a consistent experience for all users.

  • It's important to design meter bars to be flat to avoid any confusion about their starting and ending points.

Key Takeaways

Workflow Process

Player Journey Map

Feature Map



Usability Testing

UI Moodboard

UI Style Guide

UI Mockups

Updated Mockups


Player Journey Map - Minecraft Dungeons Redesign

Player Journey Map

Feature Map - Minecraft Dungeons Redesign

Feature Map

Feature Map - Minecraft Dungeons Redesign



Character Select Screen - 1 Player

Character Select Screen - 2 Players

Gameplay Screen

Inventory Screen

Usability Test

Updated Wireframes

Character Select Screen - 1 Player

Character Select Screen - 2 Players

Gameplay Screen

Inventory Screen

UI Moodboard

Style Guide

UI Mockups

Character Select Screen - 1 Player

Character Select Screen - 2 Players

Gameplay Screen

Inventory Screen

Accessibility Revisions


Protanomaly (Red-Weak)

Deuteranomaly (Green-Weak)

Tritanomaly (Blue-Weak)

Protanopia (Red-Blind)

Deuteranopia (Green-Blind)

Tritanopia (Blue-Blind)


The red enemy cursor on the Gameplay screen lacked visibility after applying the Protanopia and Deuteranopia filters. Therefore, a small outline was added around the cursor to more strongly contrast it to the background.

Revised Gameplay Screen

Revised - Protanopia

Revised - Deuteranopia

This project proved to be a successful lesson in how crucial the first-time user experience is for a gaming project.

Though there was positive feedback during the the usability tests, a score of improvement areas were identified that significantly improved the experience overall.

Given this was my first gaming UX/UI project, I would love to apply this framework more extensively to improving the user experience for a game I have played and experience for myself.


Final Screens